First, to buy or sell anything on the Internet, you will need a safe and secure system to pay and be paid, such as Paypal. Paypal has great name recognition, but they aren't the only ones available. My son-in-law tells me Google Checkout is his favorite. You will need to set this up first as it may take a few days to verify your banking information.
While you are getting your Paypal account set up, you can begin finding or taking photos of what you have to sell. I could write a whole blog on the right and wrong way to photograph your dress, but for no
Once you have your online account and a digital picture, you are ready to submit your ad. At The Green Hanger Shop, you will first register and give yourself a user name and submit your email address. This email address is important. It is the only way a shopper can reach you. On our website, it will not be public, nor will it be shared with anyone other than a potential buyer.
At last, you are ready to submit your ad. You will need to accurately give its size, designer, description, picture, and price. When you describe your dress, you want to be honest, but it's okay to use some salesmanship, too. I like to tell them what is special about what I am selling. For example, I discovered I had a very exclusive designer dress that I knew nothing about until I researched the dress label. I had bought it as a sample apparently at an off-brand store. Now the designer's dresses sell for several hundred dollars! Of course, I am not going to ask much for it because I didn't pay that much.. That's something else to remember. You have to set a price that will attract a buyer and is worth your while. Decide how you will handle the cost of shipping before the sale. I like to include that in the price, so I don't have to add anything else on.
Most of all, don't be afraid to ask for help from The Green Hanger Shop. That is why I am here and what I love doing! I guarantee you; once you make a sale, you will be hooked!
that was a really great post. super helpful tips!
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