When choosing to sell your dress or accessories, you have several choices. Let's look at the pros and cons to the most obvious avenues available to you.
- Consignment Stores The advantage to selling at a consignment store is that you can walk in with your dress and drop it off. This gets it out of your way. Potential buyers can try it on and that is very helpful to them when deciding whether to buy. The disadvantage is that you will not get to set your own price and you will only get half or less of what it sells for. While it is great that buyers can try it on, each time your dress picks up makeup stains, body oils, and dirt. Over time, it will show and diminish the look and value of the gown. A consignment shop will limit how long they will carry the dress and also reduce its price quickly.
- Free Online Posts There are plenty of websites that offer free postings for selling used items. These are great avenues and obviously, the best possible way to sell if you can. The disadvantage is that usually it is difficult to post a picture and the post will be lost in a long list of other postings. Usually, buyers shopping these websites are looking for "cheap" prices, so you may not be in the most desirable market. You basically get what you pay for.
- Paid Online Advertising An online service that lists your dresses and accessories for a small fee have several advantages. First, you can showcase your items with a full description along with pictures. You will be in a market where buyers are coming to the website for the precise purpose of buying a designer item that is barely worn and an excellent find. A buyer can find your specific dress in their search for size or design. You can maintain some anonymity until a serious buyer is ready to contact you. YOU earn the entire proceeds of the transaction. What do you get for the small fee you paid to list the item?
- At The Green Hanger Shop, we give you Main Street Service on the World Wide Web. We invest in online advertising that brings shoppers in for the express purpose of buying a preowned dress or accessory. We look for buyers who are looking for what you are selling and invest time and dollars in those markets. We hope you will give us the privilege of helping you sell your dress!
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